Opposed to the applicable TSG-regulations, the scopes of the European Pressure Equipment Directives (PED and TPED) are clearly defined. This regularly causes unpleasant surprises for PED and TPED manufacturers during license audits.
European Pressure Equipment Directives are simply not comparable with the Chinese SELO license. Notified bodies just don’t exist in the Chinese world of pressure vessels! And whilst the European directive allow a manufacturer to issue “self-declarations of conformity” for certain types of equipment, self-declarations are not allowed in China. The Chinese authorities only differentiate between pressure equipment requiring a license and license-free pressure equipment. Our experience has shown that the difference is only marginal and that manufacturers also need support (see license mandatory yes/no).
The question as to which is the more conservative: the European directives (PED, TPED) or the TSG-regulations? It can be answered by saying that the applicable TSG-regulations leave manufacturers significantly less freedom in terms of outsourcing, material selection and manufacturing processes. When a manufacturer inadvertently disregards this, he may well encounter considerably more problems.
We strongly recommend that you involve us from the very beginning- ideally during your initial planning phase. This is the most efficient means of kicking off on the right foot and the only guarantee of encountering less problems whilst saving valuable time and money.