Different TSG-regulations may apply to your pressure vessels (see pressure vessels), boilers (see boilers) and safety equipment (see safety equipment). But what exactly are the TSG-regulations?
The term “regulations” can be freely translated as “technical” regulations, rules or requirements. But that doesn't quite fit the bill. In terms of content, the TSG-regulations are on the same level as codes, guidelines and international technical standards.
Based on the definition of BSI (British Standards Institute), the TSG-regulations are not technical standards. They aren’t based upon the results of scientific and technological agreements; they are merely the result of China's entry into the WTO (See history).
Our experience has made clear that the TSG-regulations need to be considered as something completely independent. Simply speaking, TSG-regulations can be both technical “regulations” and “standards”. TSG-regulations can in fact be considered as very unique Chinese standards.
The most common TSG-regulations are available free of charge in English on the Internet. However, only the official Chinese versions are valid. English translations are incorrect and incomplete. Two examples among many: Important diagrams have incorrect labelling or the diagrams are completely missing. We are aware of that.
Notices from various Chinese authorities have a direct impact on how TSG-regulations are interpreted in the audit. The older the TSG-regulations, the higher the probability that they will be falsely interpreted. We know these differences.